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[170803] 싱가포르&말레이시아 영어캠프 인솔교사 박성수 입니다

페이지 정보

작성자 인솔교사 작성일17-08-04 01:33 조회1,173회


안녕하세요 V.10 인솔교사 박성수 입니다.

V.10 의 아침은 6시 50분 부터 시작합니다. 오늘도 규칙적으로 아이들은 잠에서 깨어납니다. 김치볶음밥과 계란볶음밥 을 든든히 먹고 아침 수업을 향해 갑니다. 아이들을 수업에 보내고 본부로 향하는데 오늘 따라 아픈아이들이 많습니다. 어제 마침 약을 구매하여 준비된 약을 주는데
마음이 아팠습니다. 단체생활을 하다보니 면역력도 좀 저하된것 같기도 하고 여름의 날씨가 아이들의 체력을 저하시킨듯 합니다. 오전 오후에 아이들 병원을 보내고 약통을 열어 종류별로 다 정리를 했습니다. 아이들이 주로 먹는 약 위주로 분류를 하여서 어떤약이 어떤 용도 인지 다시 분류를 하였습니다.
오후가 지나고 8월 3일의 아이들의 수업현장은 어떠한가 궁금하여 아이들의  수업현장을 방문하였습니다. 많이 졸리고 피곤한데고 원어민과 조금이라도 소통하려는 아이들을 보고 저 또한 더 힘내서 아이들을 위해 힘써야 겠다고 생각이 들었습니다.

저녁메뉴는 치킨이었습니다. 아이들의 눈길과 입맛을 한 순간에 사로잡았습니다. 말레이시아의 닭은 정말 컸습니다. 점보 사이즈의 닭들이 요염하게 배식대 위에 있는데 남녀노소 안 반할 수가 없었습니다.
아이들의 입맛도 만족시키고 배식을 하는 인솔들도 흐뭇하였습니다. 아이들의 지친 몸의 영양과 힘을 더해줄 최고의 식단 이었습니다.

오늘은 문제가 하나 생겼는데 저녁을 먹고나서 까지도 오늘 하루 순조롭고 평화로운 하루가 될 줄 알았습니다. 하지만 희상이와 희준이의 다툼소식을 듣고 한걸음에 달려갔습니다. 서로 각자의 상황을 들어보니 희상이와 희준이의 견해 차이의 다툼이었습니다. 일은 큰 것은 아니 었지만 아이들의 위화감 조성과
일이 더 커졌을 경우를 생각하여서 크게 혼을 냈습니다. 희준이 인솔로서 희준이에게 기대했던 기대감이 조금 떨어졌습니다. 할때는 잘하는 아이었는데 스트레스도 많이받고 희상이의 도발에 크게 화가 났습니다. 상황을 잘 듣고 정리하여 서로에게 사과를 권했습니다. 아이들은 서로 자기 잘못을 인정하고 앞으로는 서로 조심하고
사이좋게 지내겠다고 마무리를 지었습니다.  






                                              ******* 오늘의 영어일기 입니다 *******


◆ 신제: Dear My Diary
   I felt good at dinner, because the dinner is very delicious. The dinner was chicken, seaweed soup, rice, potato and kimchi. Ilove chicken, because it is very delicious. It is very crunch and
   soft. I want to eat more chicken. But the people ate all of the chicken, so I didn't eat chicken. Iwant to eat ramen The dinner is very delicious I want to eat SAM GUEPSAL (삼겹살) and Moksal(목살) and Nangmeun(냉면). I want to find my clothes.

◆ 희준: Dear my diary
   Today morning I was very tired. Because yesterday i played with my friends at night. First class i was so tired that i couldn't focus on my lesson. the dinner was very delicious. It was chicken, sea weed soup, rice, and kimchi chicken was so delicious Today was good day.  

◆ 광혁: Today morning i was very tired because yesterday i slept 12: 30. First class i was so tired that i couldn't focus on my lesson. but another class i focused on my lesson. Today i did math class in math class we learned math for 30 minues and we watch video in youtube, we watched show me the money 6 it was very fun.
         Today dinner was very tasty because we ate chicken it was very delicious.

◆ 준범: Dear my diary Today moring i was tired because yesterday i told luke last night. I didn't eat breakfast so I'm very hungry next i stole bread with Hee Jun and my friends.
         I was very excited. Today was good day. I was happy today.

◆ 준엽: Today, I was tired. Because I played my friends in villa yesterday. So i got up late. Yesterday, I was very fun. But today, im very tired so i didn't eat breakfast, first class, I was
         so tired but 4th class, i felt better. Lunch i ate luch but lunch was very very taste bad. afternoon I had 4 classes JY class(8th class) was the most fun in 8 classess. and i went to the 360 villa i studied self (math).Today was tired.

◆ 지용: Today i was sick. so i take a medicine and get some last and i didint eat breakfast. and I take a lesson.at classes we played game.it was so fun. and at dinner time i did arm fight with friendes. so how my arm is very sick. muscle is sick so I'm very sleepy now  Bye Bye!!

◆ 희훈: I am student in the ACME camp. I don't like the camp. because this camp's meal is very bad. today dinner was chicken. but it taste soso.
         I always think this camp don't have plan for activity day I hope to go to the korea now. and I want to meet my parents I missing my parnts and sisters all day.
         I am so sad.. I like my roomates They are my best friends in this camp.

◆ 재훈: Hot day
         Today is very hot day i live in Deagu.Deagu is very hot but there is holter than Deagu we have class in   morning  and    afternoon.
         Nothing is hot but very shiny. Afternoon is very hot. we are 7 class we outside it's very hot. but shiny. is very good It's very hot today!!

◆ 준상: Today I had classes. i had 8 teachers, John, J.H can Annie, Kessi Megan. I do love my native speakers but, i actuaaly don't like this camp. because we can't call my parents whenever.
          I they  give ous cellphones It'll be more fine. I hope the day. when i go back to korea !

◆ 호진: Today morning I was very very tired because I was sleep late yesterday so I sleep in first l' using conversation. And 7th class Grammar I played game with my friend very fun! In math time I sleep because i don't have math book, Evening dinner time i ate chicken and see weed soup chicken is very delicious. Today is good day. 


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