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[170202] 뉴질랜드 공립 스쿨링캠프 인솔교사입니다.

페이지 정보

작성자 인솔교사 작성일17-02-02 20:27 조회2,485회


안녕하십니까? 뉴질랜드 인솔교사 조이정입니다.




지금 우리 아이들은 뉴질랜드와 사랑에 빠졌습니다. 시간이 지날수록 뉴질랜드에서의 생활을 좋아하고, 저에게 “뉴질랜드로 이민 올래요!”라고 말하는 친구들도 많답니다. 이렇게 좋아하는 아이들이기에 뉴질랜드가 좋은 점이 무엇인지 물어보았습니다. 오늘의 일지는 아이들의 글로 대신하고자 합니다.^_^




1. New Zealand’s air is very good.
2. New Zealand people are kind.
3. There aren’t many high department.
4. There are many trees and grass.
5. Sky color is blue.




1. There are very many beaches.
2. New Zealand people are very good for English and language of Maori Tribe.
3. Their house is a residential building.
4. There are very many new foods.
5. There are so many sheeps in New Zealand.




1. The New Zealand have good air.
2. Food is good.
3. Everyone have pets.
4. Everyone go to church.
5. Everyone believe God.




1. Its air is very fresh.
2. There are many grass, so it looks very peaceful.
3. Almost New Zealand people are kind.
4. There are many cow, so we can eat cow meat easily.
5. Its temperature is cool.




1. Much fresh air in New Zealand
2. There are many grass outside.
3. There are many tree on the street.
4. The weather is cool.
5. In school, we have morning tea time.




I can breathe fresh air. In korea, Seoul when I go to mountain or wood I can breathe fresh air. But In New Zealand I can breathe fresh air most place. I can make foreign friends. When I go to school me and foreign friends are same classroom. So I can meet foreign students. I can learn another culture.




1. Its air is good.
2. Nature is good.
3. House is very big.
4. There are very various kind of fruit.
5. There are special animal that only live in New Zealand.




1. I can see many natures than korean.
2. I can taste different types of ice cream like Hokey Pokey.
3. New Zealand’s school’s class is very free than korean class.
4. I can play with my bare foot.
5. My English level is growing.




1. We can experience cultures.
2. We can listen a lot of English.
3. Just I feel good.
4. There is lovely view.
5. We can make many friends.




I think New Zealand have a lot of good point.
1. New Zealand has Hokey Pokey ice cream.
2. New Zealand has a good and nice view.
3. New Zealand has many sheep.
4. New Zealand has many free time.
5. In New Zealand people are barefoot.




1. New Zealand is peaceful.
2. There are a lot of different kinds of snacks.
3. I can be more healthy, because there is a lot of P.E.class.
4. I can make various friends.
5. I can learn English more easily than korea.




1. New Zealand people sleep early.
2. There are many delicious fruits.
3. There are many awesome and kind people.
4. Nature is good.
5. There are korean restaurant.




I like New Zealand because there is fresh air, good natures, people is friendly, good view, big land, small population, manu oceans, manu animals, Maori culture, New Zealand culture, many friend thing English, no many studies.




1. New Zealand‘s air is very very so good.
2. There are many very pretty houses.
3. New Zealand people are very kind.
4. There are many delicious food.
5. New Zealand school is good.




1. It has lovely view.
2. Our home stay is very good.
3. Students are kind.
4. I can sleep early.
5. We can see the clear sky.


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